Homeschooling Bundle by Israel WayneThese books singly cost $27.00, but we are offering both at a reduced cost of $22.00. The set includes:
1. Answers for Homeschooling – Top 25 Questions Critics Ask — $13.00
You’ve made the decision to homeschool. Suddenly, you find that some of those who were once in your corner supporting you are now questioning your competency as a parent and maybe even your sanity. Their lack of confidence may sting, but in reality, the critic provides a wonderful opportunity to replace fear and stigma with truth and reality. This book equips you to answer the critic in your life with resolve and confidence.
The decision to homeschool is difficult. There is so much to learn, and there are often radical changes that take place in your family. Unfortunately, not everyone will be supportive.
Well-meaning friends and relatives may believe you are going to “ruin your child.” How can you make sure that you have laid a good foundation for your child’s future? How can you respectfully defend your choice to those who disagree with you? (192 pages)
2. Education: Does God Have an Opinion? — A Biblical Apologetic for Christian Education & Homeschooling — $14.00
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the vast majority of Christians have embraced the idea that it is a proper role and function of the civil government to control and guide the education of children. Most Christians believe God doesn’t care, one way or the other, how our children are schooled or what methods are employed. This book will use Scripture to prove otherwise. What you read in this book will radically challenge your assumptions and preconceived ideas.
Discover the true purpose of an education and how this affects and influences students
Explore a truly Biblical philosophy of education and how it compares to traditional schooling
Learn to apply a Biblical worldview strategically and systematically to core subjects of education
There is almost no topic that is as relevant to the future of Christianity or as controversial as the education of children. Students in school classrooms spend thousands of hours being instructed by people who are not their parents. There is almost no way to calculate what a powerful force this is for influence.
From rules to help students reason to information that will help you be a more effective teacher, this book shows the vital importance of “why” in asking students to learn the “what” and “how” of any subject. The future of your child’s education and, therefore, his or her life is ultimately in your hands as a parent. Open your mind and your heart to God’s Word and His truth. Much is at stake. Ask Him to give you discernment to help you understand how He sees the issue of education.
Many studies indicate that Christian youth are leaving the Church, and anti-Christian education has been linked as a major factor in this equation. The Bible is full of instructions on how God desires His children to be educated. IF GOD has a definite opinion about the issue of education, wouldn’t you desire to find out what it is and how best to implement HIS WISDOM?
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